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Hipert and CTE NEXT demonstrate 5G-enabled communication between Eyepert and Autonomous Vehicle

Transforming Urban Safety: Hipert and CTE NEXT Demonstrate 5G-enabled Communication Between Eyepert and Autonomous Vehicle

Successful demonstration of dialogue between Eyepert and an Autonomous Vehicle!
Yesterday, Hipert, in collaboration with CTE NEXT, presented the final demo of the European Project IPA5G.

The main objective of the event was to showcase how 5G, with its low latency and high reliability, can contribute to increasing safety within the urban ecosystem.

The demo highlighted real-time communication between the Eyepert smart device and an autonomous vehicle, enabling the vehicle to receive crucial information to ensure the safety of passengers and the overall road environment.
It’s worth noting that the car didn’t have an onboard perception system, all the information regarding the presence of people and vehicles came from our new product Eyepert, which provided perception enhancement for the vehicle.

Chiara Foglietta, the Councilor for Ecological and Digital Transition, Innovation, Environment, Mobility, and Transportation of the City of Turin, was present at the demonstration held at the intersection of Corsi Stati Uniti and Castelfidardo.

We are proud of the Hipert team for actively bringing a transformation in urban safety. Artificial intelligence empowers individuals and enhances their lives.